Thursday, May 17, 2007
The Mown Property at 438 Langdon Street
Posted by
5/17/2007 03:28:00 PM
Labels: boondoggle, government, rip-off, taxes
Does The Lucas County Auditor Do It's Job?
Maybe I expect too much from government. I saw a few yards that needed mowing. I decided to go on the AREIS to see if I could find out who owned them since they seemed to be vacant. The property at 438 Langdon Street turned out to be owned by a person with only a P.O. Box for a mailing address.
I sent a letter saying that I would mow his lawn. I then checked AREIS today, and found that the government was already charging him a "specials" taxes of $300.36 a half year (of which $165.71 a half year is for "weed control"). I believe that the enclosed pictures shows this is a "rip-off".
I am thoroughly disgusted with the government that it has the gall to "rip-off" citizens in this manner. This man now owes over $1470 for a piece of bare ground . I should say this ground is "bare" except for the "weeds" that this government is taxing this man to "control". To me, part of the "control" of "weeds" would be mowing. This lot has mowed down both sides, and the middle 30 feet of width left to grown.
His real estate taxes are over $600 a year for land that is valued at $2500. That is almost 25% a year for land that returns nothing to its owner. It's a neat scam.
Posted by
5/17/2007 03:11:00 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The City Does Its Job
Around 11:45 I began to hear the noise of heavy equipment passing my house. I went downstairs, and saw that the "Forestry" division of city services had arrived. They blocked off the southern half of the block with a traffic cone, and arrayed their vehicles to being work. I left about 11:55 to get a Subway foot-long to share with my brother who comes for lunch almost every day. When I returned a few minutes early I put away the sandwich, and went outside to see what progress they were making. They had begun to cut off the larger limbs at the top of the tree, and work their way down.
My brother and I ate lunch, and then I got my camera to record for posterity this (hopefully) once in a lifetime event. The workers went about their business without hurry, but without "breaks" either. They worked as a "crew" with each man doing a task, and little need for shouting.
A tv crew from Channel 11 came out, and took some videos of what was occurring. Since I was on the street, and obviously interested (I had my still camera taking pictures) they asked if I would mind being interviewed. They let me ramble for quite a bit with a little prodding from the attractive blond reporter. Her camera man then asked if he could get some shots of me just doing what I was doing. I took my pictures, and tried to ignore them while they shot what I thought was toward my back, side (I hope the "good" one), and from the front at a slight angle.
From the three minutes (it seemed longer) that I probably talked they may take 10 seconds, or nothing. Oh, well, as Warhol said, maybe that was my "30 seconds of fame" (in Toledo, since we're less populated, reduced to 5-10 seconds).
Posted by
5/16/2007 01:46:00 PM
Cleaning Up
I went to the end of the block where the tree was resting on the house. A large limb of the tree had split off, and was resting in the alley. I asked the home owner if I could begin to cut it up to clear the alley. He said okay, but he didn't want me touching the tree that was resting on his house. I told him that that was too dangerous to do by hand, and that I didn't intend to. I started cutting out lengths between 3' and 6' in length (on the Solid Waste page of the Toledo City website it states that the city will take brush that is up to six feet in length as long as it is bundled, and the bundle weighs no more than 40 lbs.). I got one bundle done (much less than 40lbs.) and tied it up. I did some more when his wife came out, and told me not to bother. The insurance adjuster said that they wanted to see all the tree, and that even if the alley were cleared it would be too dangerous to use because of the tree resting on the roof of the house only 6' from the corner of the alley.
I had started about 09:45, and stopped about 10:20. At least I got a little exercise today so far. I tried to get pictures put on this site about the tree, but so far no luck.
Posted by
5/16/2007 10:39:00 AM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Storm Passes Through
A storm passed over our block, and blew down a tree. I have been trying to get pictures uploaded, but I am having trouble with the connection. I can get on other sites, but I can't upload images I have on a SD Card. I went upstairs to look at "Swamp Bubbles" before taking my shower. I saw the tree outside my window shaking violently so I hurried downstairs (with thoughts of the basement). I checked the tv, and saw that the storm seemed to be more of a problem for the eastern side of Lucas County. My mom then called me to the front door, and asked if that was a neighbor outside in the street. My mother's eyesight is affected by macular degeneration. I saw the neighbor was trying to remove a large limb from the street so I hurried out (about 7:00 PM) to give her a hand, and saw my neighbor across the way also rushing to help. Between the three of us we cleared the street, and as I turned around I noticed a large tree that had come uprooted from the ground, and was resting its upper limbs on a house toward the South Avenue end of the street. I went down to investigate, and found that a large limb had cracked from the fallen tree, and was blocking a side alley. I took out some of the smaller branches, and put them into a yard (temporarily) of a house whose occupants had moved out of state. I thank the powers that be for abandoned houses. They can act as temporary storage places until we have time to cut up the branches, and make them small enough for the city crews to remove.
I'll try to have pictures soon.
Posted by
5/15/2007 09:18:00 PM
Picture Of An Empty Lot at 438 Langdon Avenue
Posted by
5/15/2007 04:04:00 PM
An Empty Lot at 438 Langdon Avenue
I wrote this note:
I am writing in regard to your property at 438 Langdon Avenue. The yard isn’t being maintained. The grass has grown to mid-thigh.
I would like the job of mowing the lawn. It is within walking distance of my house, and I could use the extra money. I figure my time is worth $10.00/hr. I figure the first mowing might be about one-and-a-half (1.5) hours worth of work, and maybe 45-60 minutes each week thereafter. If you are interested in hiring me call..
I have contacted the Division of Code Enforcement, City of Toledo, to let them know my concerns. If you don’t find my terms reasonable they will mow your lawn, and send you a bill.
I am also willing to consider buying the property for taxes due plus around $225. From the latest information posted on the the AREIS website I see the taxes owed are approximately $1471. Since you aren’t paying the taxes on the property (approximately $600 per year) the arrears will continue to grow. I would pay you at this time $1700. Also, the last purchase of this property was on 5/9/2003 for $500.00. I doubt the value of an empty lot has gone up since then. The back taxes adds to the lack of attractiveness of the property. If you pay the back taxes I might consider paying you $700.00 for the property.
We would need to run this by a lawyer, and do a title search to see if there are problems, but I would want the land primarily as speculation, and to keep the property looking half-way decent since I live in the neighborhood. The people living on either side might want to buy the property to add to theirs.
Enclosed is a photo showing the state of your vacant lot.
Posted by
5/15/2007 04:01:00 PM
Trying To Keep The Lawn Mowed
I have started an annual campaign to keep a few lawns mowed on my block, and near it. I sent the following letter:
Dear Sir or Madam (they have moved to Illinois)
I am writing in regard to your property at 834 South Avenue. I just learned that you moved out a few months ago, and the yard isn’t being maintained. The grass has grown to mid-thigh, and the property will soon become the target of vandals since it is apparent that no one cares enough to maintain it. In the past we’ve had at least three or four fires within a quarter mile of my house that were started by vagrants who decided to take up residence in vacant houses, and used open sources of flame for heat and light.
I would like the job of mowing the lawn. It is within walking distance of my house, and I could use the extra money. I figure my time is worth $10.00/hr. I figure the first mowing might be about two (2) hours worth of work, and maybe 45-60 minutes each week thereafter.. If you are interested in hiring me call.
I have contacted the Division of Code Enforcement, City of Toledo, to let them know my concerns. If you don’t find my terms reasonable they will mow your lawn, and send you a bill.
Enclosed is a photo showing the state of your lawn.
Posted by
5/15/2007 02:54:00 PM