Sunday, August 5, 2007

Rice King -A Good Take-out Lunch

This is a nice restaurant for lunch. This will probably go on Call 419-255-3968. Lunch specials is 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Saturday. The store is also open on Sundays. Seating for about 12 (three tables with two benches each). Most people order out. The standard refrain is "10 minutes" for a meal to be picked up (though now some of the cashier-greeters have added another 5 minutes).
Egg rolls are normally a dollar, but you get one for 50 cents extra with the lunch. My favorite (along with mom) is the L4 Chicken w. Mixed Vegetables (and rice) for $4.85 with the egg roll. After the lunch hours the Combination Platters are available with the egg roll as part of the price.

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