Monday, June 2, 2008

Garage Sale Mania

I found a neat program, that allows you to make maps, and populate them with "pins" that allow you to aid "value" to the map with information, and links to other web content. I did this for South Toledo,, and it did more than I realized when I was done with it. Not only did I map the garage sales, but it allowed me to provide directions from a "home base" to each of the sales so I had a "tour" designed.

I then did this one to "map" vacant homes around where I live, This might bring about an awareness, and perhaps change in the environment. It also links to an account I have on "Flickr" that allows you to see a picture of each address for which I have a pin. I started with grouping the houses together before I realized that I could just make a link for each picture (rather than having the pictures as part of a "set").

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