Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cleaning Up

I went to the end of the block where the tree was resting on the house. A large limb of the tree had split off, and was resting in the alley. I asked the home owner if I could begin to cut it up to clear the alley. He said okay, but he didn't want me touching the tree that was resting on his house. I told him that that was too dangerous to do by hand, and that I didn't intend to. I started cutting out lengths between 3' and 6' in length (on the Solid Waste page of the Toledo City website it states that the city will take brush that is up to six feet in length as long as it is bundled, and the bundle weighs no more than 40 lbs.). I got one bundle done (much less than 40lbs.) and tied it up. I did some more when his wife came out, and told me not to bother. The insurance adjuster said that they wanted to see all the tree, and that even if the alley were cleared it would be too dangerous to use because of the tree resting on the roof of the house only 6' from the corner of the alley.

I had started about 09:45, and stopped about 10:20. At least I got a little exercise today so far. I tried to get pictures put on this site about the tree, but so far no luck.

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